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Joint Modelling of a Longitudinal Variable and a Time to Event Data: Methodological and Computational Issues
C. Serrat, J. Huertas y G. Gómez
Software for the Joint Analysis of a Longitudinal Variable and a Survival Time: State of the Art and Application
C. Serrat, J. Huertas y G. Gómez
Analysis of sequential times subject to dependent censoring
G. Gómez, M. Calle, A. Espinal y C. Serrat
Proceedings of the First Barcelona Workshop on Survival Analysis
C. Serrat, M.L. Calle, O. Julià y G. Gómez (eds)
Joint Modelling of a Longitudinal Variable and a Time to Event Data: Methodological and Computational Issues
C. Serrat, J. Huertas y G. Gómez
An IPCW estimator for ordered failure times subject to a common censoring process
C. Serrat
Analysis of sequential times subject to dependent censoring
G. Gómez, M. Calle, A. Espinal y C. Serrat
Multivariate regressions models for consecutive survival times
A. Espinal, M. Calle, G. Gómez y C. Serrat
Weighted stratified estimators for the survival function in the presence of dependent censoring
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Weighted Stratified Estimators for the Survival Function in the Presence of Dependent Censoring
G. Gómez, C. Serrat y M. Calle
Analysis of Sequential Treatment Interruptions in an HIV Clinical Trial
G. Gómez, M. Calle, A. Espinal y C. Serrat
Sensitivity Analysis for Survival data with Missing Covariates and Time-Dependent Covariates
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
The estimation of the stratified survival with missing covariates
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Estimating the Stratified Survival with Missing Covariates. A Sensitivity Analysis Perspective
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Estimated Grouped Kaplan-Meier Estimator for missing covariates
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Survival Analysis with Missing Covariates: A Semiparametric Approach
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Grouped Stratified Kaplan-Meier Estimator for Missing Covariates
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
El estimador de Kaplan-Meier con no respuesta no ignorable en las covariantes
C.Serrat y G. Gómez
Aproximación Paramétrica en un Estudio de Supervivencia bajo Diferentes Patrones de no Respuesta
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Survival Analysis in AIDS-related Studies: Interval Censoring and Missing Data Problems
G. Gómez, M.L. Calle y C. Serrat
Identificación del Proceso de No-Respuesta en Estudios con Datos No Observados
G. Gómez y C. Serrat
Estimación de Parámetros con Datos Faltantes. Aproximación via Imputación Bilineal y Bootstrap
C. Serrat y G. Gómez
Metodología de Bootstrap en Estudios con Datos Faltantes. Aplicación a un Estudio de Supervivencia en Pacientes VIH+ con Tuberculosis Pulmonar
C. Serrat, G. Gómez, P. García y J. Caylà
Nonparametric bivariate estimation for successive survival times
C. Serrat y G. Gómez REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: SORT, 31, 75-96, (2007)
Number of consumers necessary for shelf-life estimations based on survival analysis statistics
G.E. Hough, M.L. Calle, C. Serrat y A.V. Curia REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Food Quality and Preference, 18, 771-775, (2007)
Determination of Optimum Concentrations of a Food Ingredient Using Survival Analysis Statistics
L.V. Garitta, C. Serrat, G.E. Hough y A.V. Curia REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: Journal of Food Science, 71(7), S526-S532, (2006)
S-PLUS en los estudios de supervivencia
G. Gómez, C. Serrat y K. Langohr REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: Fórum Tecnológico, Vol 4, pag 20 (2002)
Estudios de Supervivencia con Datos No Observados. Difcultades Inherentes al Enfoque Paramétrico
A short summary of the content. G. Gómez y C. Serrat REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: Questiió, 23(2), 365-392, (1999)
CD4+ Lymphocites and Tuberculin Skin Test as Survival Predictors in Pulmonary Tuberculosis HIV-infected Patients
C. Serrat, G. Gómez, P. García de Olalla y J. Caylµa REF. REVISTA/LIBRO: International Journal of Epidemiology, 27, 703-712, (1998)
Weighted conditional survival estimator for ordered failure times subject to a common censoring process
G. Gómez, C. Serrat y L. Ruiz * Submited *